Tackling the Loneliness Epidemic


For my final project at the RCA I had the pleasure of creating my own brief. I have always been most attracted to complex systems and challenges, particularly within the healthcare space, which led me to explore opportunities around social care. Specifically, I was interested in creating a more sophisticated tool to help those that are suffering from poor socialisations or social health.

Executive Summary

At the front stage, Airea is a digital platform that connects people to the people, places and activities around them. Tailored to each user’s interests, it incentivises users to build deeper connections with their neighbourhood. At the same time, it provides a simple and cost-effective platform for local businesses, charities and other local entities to connect to those local to them.

In the back stage, Airea is the first step in building a language around social health. By leveraging a blend of networks science qualitative data, Airea provides insights and data to vetted health providers so that they can make informed decisions when making local healthcare investments.

Ultimately, the aim of Airea is to demystify the intangible elements of social health and to encourage and empower individuals to make positive changes to their social health, just how they do with their physical health.

The Royal College of Art Final Project


5/5 - Excellence (15/15 Final Project Grade)

Desk research, in-depth interviews, expert interviews, surveys, synthesis wall, trend analysis, ideation, journey map, storyboard, service blueprint, service offering, prototyping, business design





Full case study coming soon